Friday, March 28, 2008


In this passage, the devil goal is to distract the patient by discouragement . His goal is to make people soak in self pity, by keeping them from being aware of their inner strength . He wants them to focus on their faults so that they are not praying to God for help. So many times, we find ourselves distracted when facing a crisis. We develop self pity or give up too easy instead of praying to God about our situation.We need to learn to let God work out our problems for us ,instead of throwing in the towel to quickly and putting ourselves down. The devil wants you to have low self esteem and give up easy so that you won't succeed in life. Just remember its harder to pull yourself out of a depression state, but it feels better to encourage yourself and others no matter how things are looking. Always put God in control of your life and things will work out.

Friday, March 7, 2008

screwtape -8-11

The chapter I chose to talk about is chpt 9. So many times when a people are feeling down and out, they turn to other things to make them feel better or suppress their pain,such as;another person, sex, drugs, alcohol or personality disorders. Those things are only temporarily and a distraction in their lives.This is exactly what the devil wants them to do ,so that he can win their souls and destroy their lives.God knows that we are going to go through changes and situation in our lives, so that's why he wants us to trust only in him and to know that he will always be there for us no matter what. Don't let the devil trick you, because it's only a trap. Don't turn to something else to make you feel better that will cause other problems for you later. You should try to find other solution that are positive and work them into your life.