Friday, February 29, 2008

Screwtape Letter 4

In this screwtape letter, their goal is to keep people from praying and keep them from knowing that prayer does work. They say humans are stupid for praying. However they do admit that God will rescue or help those humans that calls upon him by praying, so that lets you know that even the devil and his people knows how much prayer can change a situation. The devil don't mind you praying , he just don't want you to believe in it with your heart and soul. The devil wants to destroy your mind so that you will believe there is no one who cares about your situation but you.His goal is to break your spirit and destroy your self -being, catch you at a down point in your life, only to provide you with negative thoughts.I pray about everything I do. I believe that praying and believing in your prayer will help you make or choose the right paths in life. So, no-matter when or what you go through in life, stay prayerful and keep your faith in God. Just remember , nothing is too hard or impossible for God....P.U.S.H (pray- until- something- happen)


Stephen said...

Prayer is a very powerful thing. People have had great experiences from praying; keeping dying people alive longer than expected, being found after being lost or even more traumatic kidnapped, and just getting through tough everyday situations. I'll admit I do not pray as often as I would like, but do believe God is always listening when I do call on him.

Yessy said...

Prayer is used in sense of hope; even we do not receive an audible response. We pour ourselves in time of need. When a quick response is needed to solve our lives, prayers are kind of ointment to relieves pain. During peaceful time, prayers are of gratitude to the one in Heaven who takes cares of every single step we take.