Friday, March 28, 2008


In this passage, the devil goal is to distract the patient by discouragement . His goal is to make people soak in self pity, by keeping them from being aware of their inner strength . He wants them to focus on their faults so that they are not praying to God for help. So many times, we find ourselves distracted when facing a crisis. We develop self pity or give up too easy instead of praying to God about our situation.We need to learn to let God work out our problems for us ,instead of throwing in the towel to quickly and putting ourselves down. The devil wants you to have low self esteem and give up easy so that you won't succeed in life. Just remember its harder to pull yourself out of a depression state, but it feels better to encourage yourself and others no matter how things are looking. Always put God in control of your life and things will work out.


flutterbyseven said...

I agree that when in a time of crisis we are distracted from God and are more likely to give up and then feel guilt for giving up. If we were just able to give ourselves to God when we were in crisis then facing the crisis would be able to overcome them easier.

JJONES3 said...

I also agree with this post. When we are going through something it is easy for us to try to use everything else around us to make us feel better, but ultimately we need to seek the God. God we direct us in the appropriate path for healing. Many people need to understand that.

Stephen said...

I really like your idea of encouraging others no matter how things are looking. It is such a selfish act to take out your feelings on others. To let your actions hurt another person who had nothing to do with how you are feeling, or even if they did and you are acting in retaliation is an act that is not welcomed by God. These feelings need to be dealt with another way before they become too destructive to others and especially to the self.

.agrigorian. said...

I agree with your final statement "Always put God in control of your life and things will work out." I think that many people get caught up in life's distractions that they don't stop and realize that if God put you in a situation it is for a reason and he will help bring you through it as well. By keeping your eye on the 'prize' which is your goals, you won't even notice the many distractions in our lives.

Yessy said...

I agree with you. During difficult times is when we think God is not with us. But he is always near to guide and protects us. Sometimes difficulties are necessary for turning our way toward Him.