Friday, April 25, 2008


In this chapter screwtape, talks about a new way of distracting humans. He suggest that it's ok if they choose to become Christians as long as they are distracted with other things to keep them from connecting their souls with God. He has came up with Fashion . We all know that ,although people may love God ,they can loose their purpose when it comes to fashion. Fashion is another way of competing against one another, how distracting is that. In order to keep up with fashion , a person will have to spend money, sometimes money they don't have. Oh , here it is , the trick ;spending money puts you debt,debt causes you to become depress. The love of money is the root of all evil. The distraction from the devil never end.

Friday, April 18, 2008


In chpt 24, screwtape talks about how to keep the patient distracted from God by keeping his mind focus on other things such as ; love and his social life.He tells his nephew that the patient is under some degree of illusion as to his own place in it. Under influence of 'love' he may still think himself unworthy of the girl, but he is rapidly ceasing to think himself unworthy of the others. This is to say that the devil goal is to find your weakness and drive on it until you are confused about what's real and what's not. Once the devil knows you have doubt, he will drill in your mind negative thoughts which causes you to believe those things are true about yourself. This can leave you feeling unworthy and depressed. Sometimes we get so caught up in love that we forget about whats important to ourselves. Love can be a good feeling but it also can be very dangerous too, we sometimes lose ourselves in the process of loving others, this is an vicious act of the devil. Just remember love not suppose to hurt, it suppose to feel good and enjoyable.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


In this chapter , screwtape finds out that the patient has falling in love. He's angry at his nephew for allowing this to happen ,because it appears to be true love and it's with a christian woman. He rather for him to marry someone unequally yoked, so that they are unhappy throughout their marriage. He prefer him to marry a prostitute or a sinful woman , so that this will keep him distracted from God. The devil sometimes makes people lust after the wrong person in order to destroy their lives and the lives of others. So many types we lust after people because of their beauty and their valuables, not taking the time out to know who that person really are. Sometime when we fall in love we are blinded by a feeling whereas we forget to find personal connections and goals of one another.Marring for just a feeling ,beauty or great sex can lead us to years of unhappiness and suffering.